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Lorraine Christie Art
Lorraine Christie Fine Arts llc
Still Life
Umbrella Scenes
Landscapes/Coastal scenes
Urban Landscapes
Gallery of Past Works
Cafe/Bar Scenes
Gallery of Past Works
Available Works
Commission Information
-Available works –
Available Romantic paintings, Umbrella art, Coastal/landscape
'Forgiveness' 36x48".. oil painting on Belgian linen Sold!
'Golden Strangers' 24x36" oil on Belgian linen Sold!
'Binki Goes to the Beach' 30x24" oil on Belgian linen.. Sold!
'A Very Charleston Romance' 48x36" oil on Belgian linen
'Perhaps' 30x40" oil on Belgian linen
'The Unsaid' 30x40" oil painting on Belgian linen
'Paris Anytime' 40x30".. oil on Belgian linen
'Wait By The Sea' 30x40" ..oil on Belgian linen
'Vision in Blue Silk' 36x36" oil painting on Belgian linen..Sold!
'Well, Well' 36x24" oi painting on Belgian linen Sold!
'A Champagne Kind of Evening' 40x30" oil on Belgian linen..Sold!
'Beginnings' 36x24" oil on Belgian linen ..Sold!
'Against Forgetting' 30x24" ..oil on Belgian linen
'City Stride' 30x24" .. oil on Belgian linen Sold!